I love to read, but I rarely have the time to sit down and read conventional books, so up until 2016, I only read about one book per month.
Then, I discovered Audible.
With all of the miles I drive to fish, it was no time at all before I was “reading” an average of three to five books per month. I listen to all sorts of books that interest me, and I’ve been so active on Audible, they’ve actually sent me a promo that will give you two free audiobooks just for clicking this link and signing up. No catch — except for the fish you’ll catch while listening to Audible, as I often do. If you’d like to see all of the books I’ve read, rated, and included into lists by year, check out my Goodreads account and give me suggestions.
Fish Field Guides
Most of the books I read for pleasure are fiction, but the books that I devour as part of my fishing obsession are those related to fishing — specifically those that help me better identify fish in my eternal #SpeciesQuest.
Here’s a comprehensive list of books I’ve used to identify fish. Books for the United States and Canada are listed first by state/province/territory, followed by books from other countries.
All links are live to the best price I could find for these books online, so load up your cart and get to reading! If I missed any, comment below, so I can add it.

Regional References
Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes
Coastal Fish Identification: California to Alaska
Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delware
Freshwater Fishes of the Northeastern United States
Inland Fishes of the Greater Southwest
New Encyclopedia of Fishing
Sport Fish of the Pacific
Fishes of Alabama
Fishes of Alabama and the Mobile Basin
Coastal Fish Identification: California to Alaska
Fishes of Alaska
Freshwater Fish of Alaska
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region (Free PDF)
Pacific Northwest Marine Sculpins (Free PDF)
Sport Fish of the Pacific
Fish of Alberta
Fishes of Alberta (Email Shona Derlukewich – $40)
Fishes of Arizona
Inland Fishes of the Greater Southwest
Fishes of Arkansas
British Columbia
Coastal Fish Identification: California to Alaska
The Freshwater Fishes of British Columbia
Pacific Northwest Marine Sculpins (Free PDF)
Sport Fish of the Pacific
Coastal Fish Identification: California to Alaska
Inland Fishes of California
Pacific Northwest Marine Sculpins (Free PDF)
Sport Fish of the Pacific
Colorado’s Little Fish (Free PDF)
Fish of Colorado Field Guide
A Pictorial Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut
Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut
Freshwater Fishes of the Northeastern United States
Delware’s Freshwater and Brackish-Water Fishes
Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delware
Fishes in the Freshwaters of Florida
DNR: Wildlife Resources Division
Hawaii’s Native and Exotic Freshwater Animals
Native Fishes of Idaho
Fishes of Illinois
Fish of Indiana Field Guide
Fishes of Indiana: A Field Guide
Freshwater Fishes of Indiana: A Guide to Game Fishes
Nothing I’ve found worth buying yet.
Fishes in Kansas
Kansas Fishes
A Distributional Atlas of Kentucky Fishes
Kentucky Wildlife Encyclopedia: An Illustrated Guide to Birds, Fish, Mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibians
Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico: Texas, Louisiana, and Adjacent Waters
Freshwater Fishes of Louisiana
Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine
Freshwater Fishes of the Northeastern United States
The Freshwater Fishes of Manitoba
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region (Free PDF)
Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delware
Freshwater Fishes of the Northeastern United States
Inland Fishes of Massachusetts
Fish of Michigan Field Guide
The Great Minnesota Fish Book
Inland Fishes of Mississippi
The Fishes of Missouri
Field Guide to Montana Fishes
The Fishes of Nebraska
The Fish and Fisheries of Nevada
Newfoundland & Labrador
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region (Free PDF)
New Hampshire
Freshwater Fishes of New Hampshire
Freshwater Fishes of the Northeastern United States
New Jersey
Freshwater Fishes of the Northeastern United States
New Mexico
The Fishes of New Mexico
Native Fishes of the Rio Grande, NM (Free Digital Poster)
Native Fishes of the Pecos River, NM (Free Digital Poster)
Native Fishes of the San Juan River, NM (Free Digital Poster)
Native Fishes of the Gila River, NM (Free Digital Poster)
Native Fishes of the Canadian River, NM (Free Digital Poster)
New York
The Baitfish Primer (Free PDF for Lake Ontario Micros)
Freshwater Fishes of the Northeastern United States
Inland Fishes of New York State
North Carolina
Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delware
The Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina
North Dakota
Nothing I’ve found worth buying yet.
Northwest Territories
Coastal Fish Identification: California to Alaska
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region (Free PDF)
Sport Fish of the Pacific
Nova Scotia
Nothing I’ve found worth buying yet.
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region (Free PDF)
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Arctic
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Fishes of Ohio
Native Fishes of Ohio
Fishes of Oklahoma
The Baitfish Primer (Free PDF for Lake Ontario Micros)
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region (Free PDF)
ROM Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of Ontario
A Guide to Freshwater Fishes of Oregon
Coastal Fish Identification: California to Alaska
Field Guide to the Common Fish of the Willamette Valley Floodplain (Free PDF)
Pacific Northwest Marine Sculpins (Free PDF)
Sport Fish of the Pacific
The Fishes of Pennsylvania
Prince Edward Island
A Preliminary List of The Fishes of Malpeque Bay
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region (Free PDF)
Les Poissons d’eau douce du Quebec (In French)
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region (Free PDF)
Marine Fishes of the St. Lawrence (Free PDF)
Rhode Island
Guide to the Fish of Narragansett Bay
Fishes of Saskatchewan (Email Shona Derlukewich – $40)
Saskatchewan Fishes: A Folding Pocket Guide to All Known Native and Introduced Species
South Carolina
Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delware
Freshwater Fishes of South Carolina
South Dakota
Fishes of South Dakota
Fishes of Tennessee
Fishes of Tennessee (Free PDF)
An Inventory of Fish Species Within the San Antonio Basin (Free PDF)
Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico: Texas, Louisiana, and Adjacent Waters
Freshwater Fishes of Texas: A Field Guide
Nothing I’ve found worth buying yet.
Freshwater Fishes of the Northeastern United States
Freshwater Fishes of Virginia
Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delware
Coastal Fish Identification: California to Alaska
Pacific Northwest Marine Sculpins (Free PDF)
Inland Fishes of Washington
Sport Fish of the Pacific
Washington D.C.
Nothing I’ve found worth buying yet.
West Virginia
Fishes of West Virginia
Fishes of Wisconsin
Ecology and Natural Resources Library of Wisconsin (Free PDFs)
Nothing I’ve found worth buying yet.
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region (Free PDF)
Other Countries/Regions:
I’ve fished in a dozen countries, but I don’t have books for most of my trips, as the fishing was often incidental. I’ll dive deeper on what I have and update this as I find relevant literature.

Amazon Basin
Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas
Freshwater Fish of Slovenia (Online Database)
Freshwater Fishes of Mexico
If I missed one, please let me know. This list is living, and I constantly add to it, as I grow my library.
Tight lines!
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